2021-07-14 - Old Computer Challenge - Day 5 - cel gemini://celehner.com/2021/07/oldcomp/day5.txt https://celehner.com/2021/07/oldcomp/day5.txt http://celehner.com/2021/07/oldcomp/day5.txt gopher://celehner.com/0/2021/07/oldcomp/day5.txt - work day. - did some ssb coding from oldcomp, on remote server over ssh. - trick for using git-ssb on oldcomp: ~/.local/bin/git-remote-ssb: #!/bin/sh exec ssh computer-with-ssb-server git-remote-ssb "$@" - chatted in irc. discussion of rust and rss feeders. - learned about this: https://sr.ht/~metalune/SimpleWeb/ subscribed to announce list. - mem=512M worked. - memory usage: $ free -h total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 491Mi 178Mi 54Mi 1.0Mi 258Mi 300Mi Swap: 0B 0B 0B running processes and their memory usage: claws-mail (15%), dillo (6.1%), Xorg (4.4% , trezor-agent/python (3.2%), at-spi-bus-launcher (1.4%), at-spi2-registryd (1.3%), htop (0.8%), bash (0.8%), st (0.8%), another bash (0.8%), tmux (0.7%), dwm (0.7%), gpg-agent (0.6%), ssh (0.6%), dbus-daemon (0.6%), bash again (0.5%), dhcpcd (0.4%), 3x st (0.3% each), ssh (0.3%), another dbus-daemon (0.3%), vi (0.2%), cupsd (0.2%), dpid (0.2%), wpa_supplicant (0.1%), bash (0.1%), tmux (0.1%), bash (0.1%)... more (0.1% and under, each): 4x bash, chronyd, udevd, sshd, ssh, 2x nodm, xscreensaver, sxhkd, dbus-launch, 6x agetty, 2x runsvdir, dwmstatus-clock, zet.dpi, 16x runsv, sh, mouseemu, cookies.dpi, file.dpi, runit. - display turned off randomly... came back after a few times swithcing VTs... not sure what that's about. - screenshot: day5-desktop.png - day5-htop.txt - more ideas: i should check out other people's blogs from this challenge - could it be worth using gopher-style directory prefix on http(s) and gemini? then protocol-relative links could be consistent across all four. - I've been copying these day text files to SSB. thread: %tm8r5KgURP+7jKNX7EDEfzi3nfJcPfx+cUxZImy1mis=.sha256 day 1, 2: %xCchLQw9tRZMcMGnW6jlTLVgTBWyK+UktEg4L1VYKPY=.sha256 day 3, 4: %CVICkwoKfrOThmvobKKXbUAtN33kk7zBBM0idNSCpz0=.sha256 gateway: https://viewer.scuttlebot.io/%25tm8r5KgURP%2B7jKNX7EDEfzi3nfJcPfx%2BcUxZImy1mis%3D.sha256 - can an rss feed just link to text files?